Baggy seat base

It is a great shade of tan though. Looks classy.
Has anyone with black, red, or ice leather seen the same sagging? The only pictures I can remember are from the tan.
Has anyone with black, red, or ice leather seen the same sagging? The only pictures I can remember are from the tan.

It's really soft nappa leather and too delicate for our asses - no joke. Had the seat been designed with ribs, to allow it to compress in stead of stretch, or a firmer padding underneath, or even in a way that there isn't a single piece of leather end-to-end, or maybe even using a different piece of leather just under our ass, we'd see a lot less of that stretch.

When I was in the test car, with black leather seats, I thought the seat looked pretty worn for their age. Again, this is ironic because the leather they used is too nice for that area. The Evora GT had excellent light-weight, carbon fiber backed seats that feel a lot more appropriate. I wish they didn't fix what ain't broken.

On that note, I reached out to my dealer to see if I could swap out interiors. I initially spec'd Ice Grey leather, but I'm hoping I can swap out to Alcantara with yellow stitch. I don't know if that switch will help with stretch, but at least the interior will be black, if I choose to replace the stock seats with Sparco SPX (which seem to be the Evora GT seats) or Recaro Sportster GT.
The tan looks great, but I wish there had been an option to do black alcantara just on the center seat and back panels.

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