another Q i have re: oil filter drain plug..... i know why it's there but .... i just plan on dropping the oil filter onto my foam lined oil drain pan below my lift on each oil changes...I don't ever want to open the drain plug.... Is there any contraindications to NOT touching the drain plug ? i mean, yah , might be a bit more messy but..., i'm gonna clean the oil filter housing and wipe it further with brake cleaner etc... is it ok to never touch this plug ? one of my mechanic friend was saying that i should change the rubber gasket so that it won't leak there, etc BUT if I never open it ever, why would it leak.... ?!?
as to filling the oil, my plan is to use the clear plexiglass portion of the funnel , screwed into the filler hole, THEN , use the curved/offset funnel into the plexiglass extension and dump my oil in through it.... , it apparently won't overflow no matter how fast the funnel flows oil into it so.....
any comments would be appreciated...
james R
'24 hethel yellow; 280 miles
first oil change planned at 1000 miles/break in oil