Emira Turbo exhausts

Cheers, that clears that up. I think the pops and bangs need a little enhancement, so looking forward to getting mine fitted.
Hi, what you have been told is not strictly true,
The GRP sports cat has been confirmed to throw a code.
The Arie sports cat is advertised as being developed without throwing a code or CEL
If you dont mind having a CEL, then there are plenty of manufactures on Ali Express that will make a sports cat with a 200 cel cat for sub £500 delivered to the UK.
I purchased the Arie one for £1200 delivered as I didn’t want a CEL which would have alerted Lotus to my modification and possibly void warranty on the power train.
I would not have been that bothered had the lotus ECU code been cracked i would have simply had the CEL coded out as i have done with all my previous Porches McLaren’s and Ferraris.

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