I think more people are realising its the emperor's New clothes. I don't think the base I4 looks value now against competition 18 months old. The interior may be the best Lotus has made but it isn't as good as the competition and you spend more time in the interior then looking at the car.Yes, that could be the case, but I dont think it is the norm. (by the way I PM'd you and you've not answered, I dont bite... haha)
As our Canadian friend said, some dealers have a client list and some of these clients may not even bother to check how much the car is new RRP or how much it is on Autotrader for example, but I dont think this changes the actual overall value of the cars, these are just outliers IMO. The 2 private sale blue cars were sold for 5k over and the current private blue car is aiming for 6.5/7 but I am sure will accept 5k and its been a couple of weeks now which indicates this to be the true value and not 87k.
The Yellow (apparently the best resale colour someone said????) has now been for sale for what... 5 6 weeks at the dealer who bought it from private at again, 5k overs *so thats about 4 cars sold at 5k over at this point in time, confirmed by the actual seller himself, including myself and 2 others on here. The dealer with the yellow car clearly does not want to lose money and is holding out for his 5 6k, instead of admitting a mistake and moving it on. I personally think he wont get more than 2 or 3, if that.
JCT600 has had their car now for about 5 weeks too and still no sale< I believe they have already reduced the price once.... and thats a main lotus dealer...with finance available etc, so once again, the logic is that the car is simply not worth 93/92/90 and is only worth what people are paying and apart from the odd outlier, which you mention, that puts them at around 85k at the moment and thats for the first 5 shifted. The following 5 have not shifted at all and only when they sell can we judge how the residuals are up until now.
The real story, which interests everyone are the residuals in another 4 5 months. If the car is currently at 5k over, well logic dictates once they are not so rare and 10/20 have been resold and with another 30 odd on the market and with various owners with various needs to sell, well I've said it all before. I see a Summer of opportunities for those not in the queue to save themselves 5 6 k. Its the same for many makes of course, its just surprising when its a brand new car with supposedly xx,000 orders in place.
Someone said on another thread the rawness of the Emira was because of the road and wind noise and I'll fitting door seals compared to raw driving excitement, they were spot on.