The people that are considered "flippers" - that do this often, would have deposited early. Also, many of the Lotus faithful would have equally been early depositers. Especially the pre-reveal guys. Both have been disappointed by the Emira.
1. Journalists really were very neutral on the Emira. Some good, some bad. Maybe they should have launched the Base Spec and not the F/E. Bringing the Pricing BELOW the 718 GTS 4.0. Instead of slightly above. (zero option Porsche, mind you) This I believe would have avoided the GT4 review from EVO as the price gap would have been too large to justify. Being compared to a Porsche product that has been considered the benchmark for mid engine sports cars was never going to be easy. Also launching press cars that are not ready, full of faults, wrong seats etc. probably not a good idea.
2. Flippers are disappointed due to economic downturn. When they put down their deposits they did not think that the Economy would be where it is and it was no longer an easy turnover in profit. This resulted in some getting their cars, but my guess is most requested a refund to their deposit.
3. Lotus owners that expected Evora turned up to 11. We now know this is not the case. Yes it is far improved in terms of daily driving comfort, tech and looks. But not in the dynamics department. Which for them was probably the more important aspect. Resulting in more drop outs, or in your case a flip. Again, this is something that by introducing the Base model pricing instead of a fully loaded F/E may have helped.
4. The remaining early depositors are car guys/gals that wanted something different. If you look at the cars people are coming from, from the poll I started, you will see the vast majority are probably coming from vehicles where the Emira is a superior sports cars in terms of performance and looks.
5. Come 2024, you will no longer be able to order a 718 ICE, going electric for 2025 model year. 718 Spyder/GT4 production will stop this year / you currently can not order one anymore. GT4 RS / Spyder RS will be going until 2025, but good luck getting an allocation and the price will be double/triple an Emira. Lotus' biggest competitor will be gone within 24 months. So who will the car mag's compare new vs new against Emira once the 718 is retired? Emira will start to gain even more traction at this time.
So now that the Emira will be driving out and about, people will begin to see it in the flesh. It is still the best looking car in it's price range. Now with the base pricing arriving and the i4, you will begin to see more people who are considering a new car in 2024, an M2/4, 718 base/S etc. Start to strongly consider the Emira. Remember we put deposits down in 2021, expecting a car in 2022. There will be a whole new buyer pool of people in 2024+ and Lotus are in a better position to sell cars now that you can go to a dealer and test drive the Emira, see it in the flesh and the different colours. This will only increase the order book, not reduce it.
While I never thought the Emira was going to get big overs, mostly due to the Economic environment and the amount of early flippers, not the car itself. People will be more prudent with their money going forward. But there will be some that will not want to wait 24 months, especially over 5-10K. For the remainder of 2023 supply will be very tight and once the order book for i4 and V6 base open they will continue to receive more orders. This is not 2009 - Evora launch, It was priced at the 911. ICE cars were not an endangered species at the time. I fully expect the Emira to continue having a long waiting list and it will not suffer the same fate as the Evora did. Different times, it really is the End of an Era.
I agree with most, but not that the 718 becomes anonymous once they stop making ICE ones..... Firstly, as the second hand market of 718 gts or gt4's will still be there and still be the "better" car in jornalist's eyes and from a practicality point of view and also from a residuals point of view. Most porsches dont get used much, so to pick up one with 2 3 4 5 6 7000 miles on a 1 2 or even 3 year old car is NOT unusual, so competition is still ripe for the Emira. Also you are assuming that the current Emira customers and future Emira customers are not interested in Electric sports cars. Many on here may not be, as they are the die hards, petrol heads, *stuck in the sand like me, but I 100% am very interested to see Porches next 718 EV offering and hopefully Jaguars and of course Lotus's, although I think they will join the game later and the Emira will have an effect on their sales as if reliability is not 99%, it will hurt the sports EV released together with Alpine.
Then add to this that we on here are a small % of Emira's current market segment and I feel many will embrace sports EV's as they wont be interested in attracting legacy customers at all..... Point being, I dont see it that clear that the Emira suddenly has a free run at sports car sales. The used ICE porsche and the new EV will be competitors in my mind and in my wallet!
Also, you are indicating that in 2 years there will be a whole new batch of Emira purchasers appearing, from where exactly? Thats like saying the current population that dont work, but that will work in 2 years, compared to the whole current population that do work, amounts to a huge % of the latter, but it doesn't.
I believe Lotus have attracted just about as many as they can to the FE. Sure some will cancel and get the cheaper Base or have waited for it from the start, but when they see the base price finally being 65k and the options soon putting it towards 75k, I think many will back off, not helped by finance rates to boot. When they also see residuals for ALL cars dropping like the glasses the first night I did glass collecting at a strip club in Birmingham, then they will again think twice about the layout. I dont meant o be argumentative (for a change) but I dont see a big 2nd wave of customers coming, quite the contrary. I see a fair % cancelling, which we have witnessed, I see a fair % selling on, which we have witnessed and I see the current UK order books of what? 3000 cars??? Ive no idea, but I dont see it doubling in 2 years, I see it settling down at maybe 1-1500 cars per year in the UK, once they clear the backlog of course (2 more years)!
These are not bad numbers, especially when you add the rest of the world, where Lotus have NEVER sold in large numbers. If they get 3500-5000 cars a year out, they will be happy I think and I think that they should concentrate on making those cars as well built as possible and then a few special editions, in limited numbers to help keep interest and residuals up.
Its interesting to talk about it, share opinions... etc, BUT I think we need to start recording such things to see who is right and who is wrong. I cant think of anything better than saying in 2 years to my friend in Torronto, when he is 4 inches under water, you see, I told you the spyder was the best bet as the average emira FE price is lower than a hot wheels kids toy (just kidding... I dont want to see them fall...I just feel they will)