First POV Emira look around and drive video

He meant the panel which houses the manual air conditioning knobs, below the centre screen.
yep, the ones that some complain are too low down, almost touching the horizontal centre console .... does seem a slightly weird place to have them, a cm up would seem more accessible
He meant the panel which houses the manual air conditioning knobs, below the centre screen
The Apple CarPlay screen renders over approx 90% of the display leaving a strip down the left hand side to interact with the vehicle ventilation/ax settings. I didnā€™t study it in detail but thought it was a nice touch in comparison to Land Rover and Ford CarPlay executions that Iā€™ve seen..
No he didnā€™t šŸ¤£
1yep, the ones that some complain are too low down, almost touching the horizontal centre console .... does seem a slightly weird place to have them, a cm up would seem more accessible
If you get Auto transmission it will be more accessible! šŸ¤£

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