USA/Canada Delivery Thread

Same! First was Christmas delivery, then before new years, then nothing.
Been annoying trying to lock down time w/ my PPF installer with dates that never arrive.

My VIN oddly was supposed to have gone to prod in Oct come with their Nov batch, but mysteriously didn't get built but had a VIN assigned 🤷‍♂️
Then suddenly appeared on 12/15 boat. So a bit worried it was built earlier but just sat around and forgotten for a month 😬
My Canadian car was on the 12/15 boat and arrived at the dealer this morning. They said 24 hours to PDI and I can pick it up! Excited to see the car finally arrive, but unfortunately won't be able to drive it until Spring with our winters. Turbo i4 Hethel Yellow on Ice Grey with full black pack. :cool:
My Canadian car was on the 12/15 boat and arrived at the dealer this morning. They said 24 hours to PDI and I can pick it up! Excited to see the car finally arrive, but unfortunately won't be able to drive it until Spring with our winters. Turbo i4 Hethel Yellow on Ice Grey with full black pack. :cool:
Which dealer?

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