It has to be said, anyone on this forum could have seen where this was heading ...... its not a surprise that i4 cars are at least 7 8 9 months delayed since V6 cars are well into 8 months (spring 2022) delays also.... and are still not up to full production. The story has been evolving for a while..there should be no sudden shock here..
Porsche GT products are sold out for 2 years.... they dont even want new orders for the factory at the moment....
People's aspirations of this car being a 0-60 in 3.9 seconds and a red line of 9000 revs and delivery asap should have been slowly dashed over the last 6 - 9 months. Lotus have sapped the life from these thoughts long ago...
I understand people cancelling, but I cant quite understand how they didnt see this coming....
NO auto's anywhere was a big clue ... Matt W and others having said there were delays with them.... V6 always before i4....
Sorry to see anyone drop out and yes the worst thing is perhaps having missed out on decent interest rates to get other options, but if those other options are exclusive sports cars, I dont think there will be much on offer much sooner... And I dont think any BMW or Japenese offering is that exclusive.... Great cars yes.... but....
Waiting for the angry faces..