Having been an owner for only 4 weeks, I was not aware that paint blistering was an issue and TBH shocked that it is. Lotus have had this issue for years. Elise's have suffered this, at least since the S2 first rolled off the production line, not heard so much on the S3s. Initially it was how Lotus stored the body panels, outside in all weathers. Then other issues with how the paint process was carried out.
In the end Elise owners were sending cars back to be repaired in large volumes and Lotus did them all, although with a a lot of feet dragging and general delays due to volume. I know owners that were sending back cars that were 5/6yrs old, that Lotus still repaired
Whats amazing, is that Lotus did not learn and the Emira seems to be suffering from similar issues. Although I should not be that surprised, given the issues with the AC water ingress, is the exact same issue, that the Elise S2s had with water ingress for the heater resistor packs
In the end Elise owners were sending cars back to be repaired in large volumes and Lotus did them all, although with a a lot of feet dragging and general delays due to volume. I know owners that were sending back cars that were 5/6yrs old, that Lotus still repaired
Whats amazing, is that Lotus did not learn and the Emira seems to be suffering from similar issues. Although I should not be that surprised, given the issues with the AC water ingress, is the exact same issue, that the Elise S2s had with water ingress for the heater resistor packs