USA/Canada Delivery Thread

Haven’t spoken to my dealership since test drive last November so I called today to find out about V2 allocations (in case as others have said they may ask for build code and deposit imminently). Was given no info and sounds unlikely to get an allocation since they won’t even get as many as despots they had pre-announcement, as only 1 person has dropped out.

This is a real piss off given that I put my interest in on announcement day at Goodwood 2021 and have heard many others who did so as late as September and got a V1 FE. Why is Lotus playing so much dealer politics and screwing their end consumer?
Sadly as far as US goes, Lotus probably views it’s customer as the dealerships who buy the allocations and worry more about their view of fair versus the end customers view of fair.
Facebook is buzzing with rumors of production start for US cars, with delivery in Oct/Nov. Anyone hear anything?
I wonder if they are taking orders because it's something to give the dealers to do so that they don't complain as much, or if they are doing it because they actually expect to be able to make these cars according to the dates quoted.
And perhaps, some dealerships are going by "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" policy when it comes to customers. Stay silent and get sent to the end of the line. :unsure:
Would think Lotus would want to send an email to NA customers confirming production start. Some sort of communication would be nice for once.
"North American cars have started factory production and are in the fast lane to you for delivery soon. This time we hope we mean it". Done
Can confirm. In AZ, got call today that cars will roll in around October.

Possibly dealer demos (including i4s), but I doubt any customer cars will be released. They aren't starting production until September and still need to go through the certification process.
Possibly dealer demos (including i4s), but I doubt any customer cars will be released. They aren't starting production until September and still need to go through the certification process.
So realistically no NA cars till earliest 2qtr 2024 at best. And so the s..t show
I have a great relationship with my dealership so will pop in there probably tomorrow and see if I can get some credible info.
Evora GT needs a service so I have an excuse to go there and bug them
Possibly dealer demos (including i4s), but I doubt any customer cars will be released. They aren't starting production until September and still need to go through the certification process.
Ok, I need to get back off the roller coaster and not get my hopes up yet.
Can confirm. In AZ, got call today that cars will roll in around October.
Are all of you getting calls from the same dealer? I wouldn't assume that the dealer knows anything new. Could literally be a new sales manager wanting to be proactive or something, and passing information again that they received back at the US Dealer Meeting early this year.
Wouldn't that presuppose Lotus passed all the US regulatory red tape they've been waiting on?
Yeah, I believe we would hear this news first. I call bullshit.

I've just checked the US EPA and NHTSA public databases again, there are no new documents related to Lotus in any context. Last documents published were related to the Evora GT model, in 2020.

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