By now it's pretty obvious that the people running Lotus Hethel aren't narcissists. They clearly don't understand the emotional, high-maintenance, demanding personality type who wants constant attention, and if they don't get it, they go into outrage mode. So far it doesn't look like changing to accommodate that personality type is on the list of priorities for Lotus. I'm sure they know it's going to cost them a few orders, but with an order book 3 years deep, it doesn't seem to be bothering them too much.
I take a look at the cancelled thread now and then, and I'm amazed at the viciousness of some of the posts; like jilted lovers, or someone who's just been served divorce papers and recoils in hatred and denouncement.
Lotus Hethel is a very small company that makes specialty sports cars. They're not a social media outlet. In today's world where the internet feeds the narcissism in today's society on a 24/7 basis, even to the point of streaming live, Lotus does not fit in. It doesn't appear they care to either. To some, that's an outrage and they are cancelling. To others like me, I'm just patiently waiting for my car. When it arrives, I'm not likely to be on social media talking about it much; I'll be in it... driving.
When I look at it overall, we have 2,000 members on this forum, and there's probably a dozen or less who are the most vocal. We rarely if ever see anything from the overwhelmingly vast majority. Sometimes I wonder what they think of the demanding dozen. We'll probably never know.
For me, it'll get here when it gets here. When our cars do start to arrive in the U.S., it'll be a relief that we've at least gotten past that chapter of "As The Bitch-Fest Turns", and we can begin a new chapter for people complaining about...whatever, because I know it's coming. However I hope we start to see hundreds of comments from the new owners here in the U.S. about their experiences, and that they're positive for the most part.
So, having said all that, to parody the famous words of Monty Python: "And now, for something completely different, a wave of righteous indignation and self-justification." And to all of that I say: keep calm and carry on, the bombing will stop.