USA/Canada Delivery Thread

This is going to be incredibly specific, but has anyone experienced buying a new car then moving to a new state in 1-2 months?

My current research tells me I need to pay sales tax and registration on the state I take delivery on (CA) then I have to pay use tax and registration on the state I'm moving to (WA). Does that seem about right? Anything I'm missing?

Specifically for WA you need to own the car for more than 90 days to avoid paying use tax. Check out the link below:

What ship was it on mine is supposed to be on Atlantic sky arriving in couple
Mine, along with 120 other cars, arrived on the Atlantic Star on May 26th. Looks like the Atlantic Sky is arriving in two or three days!
are ships going back into Baltimore again for offload
How is everyone finding out what ship their cars are on? Are your dealers providing you with the VIN # once the car is manufactured?
Disregard my last post. My car is ready on Thursday! Now I have to get a ride ๐Ÿ˜œ
May see you there - Iโ€™m told that mine will be detailed, but I will likely have to collect on Thurs PM because of other commitments.

I asked how long to allow for handover and was told 3 hours!! Does that sound right?
Just got mine. It's fantastic! It's better than I remember from my test drive. Breaking it in is going to be painful. I'm ready to let it rev. I really love is that it is fantastic to drive without lots of the artificial theatrics that lots of the recent sports cars I've driven have. It sounds great without piped in engine noise. It steers with fantastic feel and accuracy, rather than with excessively aggressive turn in. It looks awesome without lots of artificial vents. It handles well without jarring suspension (I LOVE this. We have bumps in our local roads, and really stiff cars are scary to drive, because they get upset over them). I can see how it might not be to everyone's taste, but I really, really like it.

Some of the things I am reading about also don't seem to be a problem in my car. The brakes aren't grabby, though the pedal is firm and responsive. Also, the shifter is quite good out of the box. Might be keeping it longer than I had planned.

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