USA/Canada Delivery Thread

I spoke to my dealer a few minutes ago and the word from them is still late Q4 2023-early Q1 2024 for first FEs in the U.S. but he also admittedly said they haven't heard any material updates from Lotus since the meeting in California in March.
I wonder why there are discrepancies between dealer updates?
I wonder why there are discrepancies between dealer updates?

Because no real communication channels exist. They get a once a year maybe twice a year dealer meeting and that seems to be it. Otherwise they get their news from US it seems like.
I enjoy seeing some of the meetups our fellow forum members in the U.K. are having, and wonder what a U.S. equivalent would look like. At this point all I get are images of a bunch of now older, weary, and heavily drinking ex-car enthusiasts commiserating over what could have been. I'll bring the chips.

Some of us are still out here having fun. Bring what you've got!





Sparse info as always. I received a copy of “Lotus Emira Order Request” with a submission ID number that says “we will evaluate your submission and approve or deny based on the information provided.” Spec of interest: Supercharged V6 Manual.

I asked if that means they got their FE2.0 allocations. He said yes, waiting to get approval in a day or two then will get build locked.

That’s all. Now y’all know everything that I do!
Just contacted my sales guy. He said he spoke to Lotus rep yesterday and that FE 2.0 and I4 allocations will be going out within the next two weeks. Also said the first U.S. Emira deliveries are on schedule for October.
Thanks for the update.
Hope the Lotus rep is correct. I seriously doubt he is.
But the first deliveries were initially stated to be from October, but that has changed according to dealer, First deliveries November but most likely December.
NA vehicles are not even in production yet.
There is still no NA certification.
Thanks for the update.
Hope the Lotus rep is correct. I seriously doubt he is.
But the first deliveries were initially stated to be from October, but that has changed according to dealer, First deliveries November but most likely December.
NA vehicles are not even in production yet.
There is still no NA certification.
And it could mean "deliveries to the U.S. on October 31 and several more months until customer takes possession"
So it looks like no FE 1.0s were ever delivered to customers in the US. Is that correct?
There have been no Emira deliveries in the U.S., and the earliest the FE 1.0s will be here is likely Nov/Dec.
This is a bit puzzling if no 1.0s were ever distributed here.
Not really. All FE 1.0 have deposits and allocated to customers.
Told first deliveries were to be September 22 then delayed to January/February/ March 23 now supposedly November/December 23 but that can and probably will be delayed further.
Some of us are still out here having fun. Bring what you've got!
If I brought my current daily, I'd be laughed out of the meets! My rusty Si has no performance mods, 170k miles, rust all over, a cracked windshield, welded subframe, autozone "color-match" spray paint on a rear quarter panel, an exhaust leak, a marker light held on with packaging tape, 3 brands of winter treads, a CEL that has never left me, and a bent radiator from running over a deer. Would make everyone else's cars look even better though! :LOL: But Id drive it across the country right now! (for the record, I do have a nice truck)
This is a bit puzzling if no 1.0s were ever distributed here.
They have been told what their 2.0 allocations are, ie how many future cars they will get. Not “they got their allocations” meaning they’ve taken physical delivery of 2.0 cars.
They have been told what their 2.0 allocations are, ie how many future cars they will get. Not “they got their allocations” meaning they’ve taken physical delivery of 2.0 cars.
Thanks, Tom. Now that I have re-read the statement, I noticed the "allocations" clue. The dealership to which I have given a deposit has never mentioned any allocation numbers, only my estimated wait for the Emira with powertrain I specified. I'm still waiting to take a test drive, which was originally specified to be in March or April of this year.
Calling Tony from Gator?...........

I just contacted our sales rep at Lotus Cars USA, who stated that "FE V6 2.0" allocations have not been released to anyone yet. We are still waiting to receive our allocations as well. The only official news we've received since the N.A. Dealer Conference in March was to inform us of the updated configurator (w/ new paint colors & updated FE V6 pricing). Dealers' current reservation lists were 'audited' earlier this month, which is a sign that allocations are coming soon. Anything beyond that came from the rumor mill..!
Not really. All FE 1.0 have deposits and allocated to customers.
Told first deliveries were to be September 22 then delayed to January/February/ March 23 now supposedly November/December 23 but that can and probably will be delayed further.
Legendary prose: Lotus - add lateness
(apologies to C. Chapman).
Thanks @GatorMotorsport ! I must say the fact that Lotus audited the reservations/deposit list is surprising and finally good news. Less chance of people jumping ahead for the ones that have been waiting since 2021. Much appreciated.

It is up to each dealership to determine which orders to place and the order in which they are placed. We are going straight down the list from oldest to newest— no "awarded to the highest bidder" or cutting in line here... LC USA is mostly just verifying who still holds a reservation and the total number of current reservations at each dealership, or in other words, removing cancellations from their books.

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