In this picture, the magma looks more like Ardent Red than Fire Red. But at the same time there’s no denying that the magma sample looks identical to an actual fire red car side by side. Magma Red has gotten more chatter than any color, but to me it seems like how it’s perceived is based on whether it is being considered in absolute vs relative terms. I think we will find when all is said and done that whatever magma red is in absolute terms, it will align with what fire red is under identical circumstances. In some situations it looks like a deep red metallic, and in other situations it looks like ardent red (or dare I say rosso red?). Have a look at the spy photo of body shells in the factory from a couple months ago. Then look at the direct comparison between fire red and magma red where both look substantially darker and the metallic flake is more obvious. I think this duality may actually be a strength of this color choice in the end.