Anyone received their 30 day notification yet?

That is a good point about non existent Lotus cash flow since they stopped production of the 3 E's last December. I know there is issues with parts supply at the moment. But the lack of cash flow would surely focus the minds of Lotus staff to pull out all the stops to get cars flowing out the gates. I was originally told I would get my car in March, so from a company point of view, we will have at least 6 months lost production. A massive loss of revenue i think.🤔
Oh they're all over it, they had a strategy meeting and decided the best course of action was to shit the factory for a few weeks and bugger off on holiday 🤣
Was that decision taken by the same people with the policy of keeping deposit holders in the Dark Verdant.🤣
No it was judged too time effective for the same people to make more than one decision at the same meeting so a different team had a different meeting to pull another strategy out of the seneca blue
No it was judged too time effective for the same people to make more than one decision at the same meeting so a different team had a different meeting to pull another strategy out of the seneca blue
So it seems they are all on the same page/ way of thinking then. Which ever meeting made the decision.🤔
They did say that dealers are getting there cars last week in August. Previous chats with CS said September delivery. That has not changed. I know a few Forum guys are September delivery aswell.
Two week’s ago they said dealer demos were going to be available 2nd and 3rd week of August. Seems it’s a moving target until we see them physically delivered.
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I am just guessing here, but I am getting the impression that you guys are not taking what CS said as gospel.🤣🤣👍
And we have contact check your emails everybody.......

Im confirmed for October build.
Just had a chat with CS. They said "things are moving forward" and that "they are preparing to start making calls". Sounds promising guys. The only snag is the word "soon" was used quite frequently.🤔

Is the “thing” which they mention “time”, perhaps??!

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