Ok - here we go - big text update.
After several 'software' sort of issues between Christmas and New Year on the Emira, limp mode kicking in, the battery needing disconnected several times, EML warning light randomly on and off, the car not starting a few times - it got recovered to Lotus on 9th January. Yes, I was provided with a courtesy car (thanks Scott and Abi if you are reading this!), and comms were really good going through the diagnostics and eventual repair by Glasgow Lotus (thanks Ross and team).
So yesterday afternoon I picked up the car, left the courtesy car at the dealership, good chat with the guys at Glasgow Lotus.
The ECU has been replaced along with some fuses - so obviously some kind of shorting issue that damaged the previous ECU, making these weird glitches appear. Sure it took longer than I'd like, but it's all new to diagnose and work out the problems. I can see several other members saying they've had the same issues I've noted above, so I'd suspect an ECU replacement is on the cards, and a software update is imminent also.
I should note that the wiper issue software is not yet available, so not applied to my Emira. It's still on the to be sorted list.
Later today, I'm meeting a very well known car 'YouTuber' / journalist for what I hope is a good review of the Emira.
So all good right?
Perhaps not.
Cleaned the car up, decided to take it for a drive....
ESC Service Required warning appeared.
Red triangle warning light (I assume for the above)
Stability / Traction control light randomly flashing
Brakepad warning light on
Turned car off, and on. errors came back.
Battery disconnect, errors cleared and haven't as yet come back.
Any bets they appear later today during videoing for a YouTube video 100k plus people will see? I really, really hope not, for Lotus' sake and my own pride in this car. I can't do anything with Lotus now as the technicians in the dealerships aren't open until Monday, neither is Customer Care at Lotus HQ.... so I'm stuck, either not use it, cancel my plans, or go ahead and hope for the best.
To be continued.......