Emira Handbook

Radar detector, where allowed. GoPro for track day filming.
Most of the radar detectors don't have a USB capable port, not sure if you know of an adapter?
I've never used one so not familiar with how they're powered, but assumed these days most in-car things are USB powered.
I've never used one so not familiar with how they're powered, but assumed these days most in-car things are USB powered.
I wish in the case of radar detectors -- almost all of them use RJ11 connectors (Escort/Valentine)
I've never used one so not familiar with how they're powered, but assumed these days most in-car things are USB powered.

I'm actually surprised there is just one USB-C port and it's in the center console. I'd expect it to be the other way around.
Found this is what we need for the escort radar, sure there will be others

if you want them emailed to you then PM me your email or for faster service just use the cached page option and download yourself. Google emira handbook, click on dots, click on cached, it will then bring up the links for all 5 documents., click on arrow to bring up PDF, and then save View attachment 8260
Its back online and i think having a quick look they have changed a few things. cant see the usb port for the dash cam anymore.
Its back online and i think having a quick look they have changed a few things. cant see the usb port for the dash cam anymore.
It’s still there
Its back online and i think having a quick look they have changed a few things. cant see the usb port for the dash cam anymore.
Main Handbook page 134 for the rear view mirror USB port, same as before.

It looks like the revision dates and total numbers of pages haven't changed. Not done a full comparison so there may be changes within the text.

The typos saying "Apple Careplay" have been corrected, so the forum proof-reading service has clearly been taken into account :)

Edit: if you download the documents rather than open directly to view, then the files names have all changed to "-v2". So despite the revision date being unchanged it does look like they've revised them.
Its back online and i think having a quick look they have changed a few things. cant see the usb port for the dash cam anymore.

Look page 23 on emira quick start guide
The example VIN in the handbook starts with an L . A sign that there will be Emira's made in china? Maybe the handbook's were made by Geely in china? Doubt that would have popped up if it was done by UK solely

Screen Shot 2022-09-09 at 2.39.07 PM.png
Looking at the maintenance guide, there appears to be no mention of a 1000 mile run-in service.

Lots of other modern cars seem to have done away with this. Wonder if Lotus have too?
Looking at the maintenance guide, there appears to be no mention of a 1000 mile run-in service.

Lots of other modern cars seem to have done away with this. Wonder if Lotus have too?
It does coincide with the information on the servicing pack as there’s no mention of running in service there too.
I was hoping for an alternate instrument panel face that didn’t look like Atari designed it.

Round on-screen gauges would be good, and are certainly doable in software.

(Yes, I’m an old guy…)
Looks like vanity mirror are included now too... maybe one off the back ordered items? I remember some early reviewers complaining there were no mirrors on the visors.

*I expect production cars will have the big ugly yellow/white airbag warning stickers on the outside of the visors. Hopefully these are easy to remove after delivery.

View attachment 8240
Think Matt Watson said something along the lines of “if you buy a car like this you’re probably quite vain so you’ll need a vanity mirror”

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