Emira Handbook

I was hoping for an alternate instrument panel face that didn’t look like Atari designed it.

Round on-screen gauges would be good, and are certainly doable in software.

(Yes, I’m an old guy…)
I hate the dash gauges layout as well. Much prefer the analog gauge look. Not having an oil pressure gauge/readout (I didnt see a way in the manual) seems dumb for a performance car..is this a Lotus thing?
This bit is interesting about the diamond cut wheels.. And I assume the adjustable dampers and j hook rotors are referring to the GT4...

View attachment 8222
I am “sus-pecting” that the Lotus proofreaders were among those fired in the staff reduction program earlier this year 🤣
does a car come with the manual?

I thought you'd bought an expensive manual that took around 2 years to mainly copy and paste from their previous ones, interns have to do something......
Only Auto/DCT cars will come with a printed Manual. It is being considered to have the title “Forget Manual, the future is Electric” printed on the cover….

But there is a possibility this gets voted down 🤣👀
Only Auto/DCT cars will come with a printed Manual. It is being considered to have the title “Forget Manual, the future is Electric” printed on the cover….

But there is a possibility this gets voted down 🤣👀
However, there is a charge for that one.

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