1. We say it doesnt look like a Lotus, since it doesnt look like an Elise or Exige, which in turn dont really look like the Evora. Not sure about the reasoning there, but in any case when the Elise came out firstly, did it look like the previous Lotus car, the Elan? No, not at all, in fact it didnt look like any Lotus ever designed, it was new and it saved the company from Ruination.
So, I am not sure it needs to look like the previous Lotus's, as in reality, they were not that good looking anyway. The Elise was cute, the exige is ugly, 2 cars rolled into one. The Evora didnt sell well, but drove very well, so one can only assume the awkward angle 3/4 looks had a lot to do with it, that and price/reputation etc.
As has been said before, the 1st "new" lotus is the Evija, and that is now the Lotus identity the rest of the cars will follow....simple.
Harry, who knows a bit more than most of us on here, said it could be a maclaren in terms of looks. There is no doubt from the front there are elements copied from the Ferrari above too, you have to see it, the inlets, the lights etc.
2. As has been said many times, for Lotus to get traction, they need mass appeal, not track appeal. It is unfortuante they have said this car is the Evora turned to max and then some as its 100% not, it is at best a late Evora at 80%, which for the Lotusfiles wont be good enough and I understand that, but they must understand an Evora at 110% wont sell! How many people buy GT4's..... and thats based on a base model 718 that "sucks", but that base model sells way more than lotus ever will and it doesnt go on track and does not get big milage, its aimed at a certain customer.
L O T U S is chasing the SAME customer and those customers are not in this forum and they dont give a xxxx about what we think, they want a nice looking car, that looks cool, is more or less practical and very reliable.... that is red lines at 6250 o 6750, that it has 400Hp or 490Hp, that the manual is as good as the MX5 on track....that this the other, they could not care less.
THis is the customer Lotus wanted and this is what they have got. I repeat, the rest of those who want the real deal, the Lotus to take on the GT4, need to wait and stop bitching as this base car at 60k base, its NOT it, it was never going to be it, just Lotus told us it was, but we have seen over the last year that Lotus tell us a lot of xxxx each time they speak and its rarely true.
3. There is no 3... I refer the honourable gentleman to 1 and 2
How can so many new threads be on here and we all say the same things hahaha.... where are the reviews of the Europeans that have had their cars for 7-10 days.... WTH is up with that.
I'd have made a youtube video by now of about 2 hours...