I'll weigh in here in hopes that I can help. For the initial startup, even with option 2 (Valve fully closed) with the decat, the startup is still more aggressive than any mode stock IMO. This is partly based on feedback from my wife today when I started it up in fully closed mode and she was in the kitchen inside and said, "dang I thought you were revving it up."In your first video above, what driving mode were you in, Touring, Sport, or Track?
I'm hoping that the sound in Tour mode with the Decat pipe is less than Track mode in stock form. I'd like to be able to keep some lower level of volume. More than stock in Touring mode is fine, just keep it lower on a highway cruise, etc.
Would you say it is quieter than Sport when driving in touring mode with the controller set to Stock? (man, that's a confusing question).
Also, can you program 1 HomeLink button to toggle through the controllers 3 modes? I already use 2 of the HomeLink buttons.
That said, fully closed with decat is still somewhat quiet but I wouldn't classify it as stealth mode.
Unless you really need a quiet car, I repeat my previous statement of "just delete that 3rd cat and install the valve ASAP". It really does make the car that much better.