I love the CU Later gray color. Very difficult to photograph and capture how it changes in the sunlight. The “CU” is for the copper flake in the paint that really is amazing. The interior hazelnut is also beautiful. Not sure if worth the extra 6k but I really love it.
I bought the car in New York and drove it down to Houston in 2 days so…..1600 miles in 2 days. The car is amazing. I previously had a 2003 Z4 that I drove for 15 years and put 150000 miles on. So this is a big upgrade.
The BMW engine is rock solid. The HP is rated at 382 but I’m sure they are under listing that. The transmission is absolutely wonderful as well. Feels pretty perfect. The exhaust sounds great in sport mode.
What I was most surprised by was how comfortable the car is. The seats are the best I have ever experienced. I could have driven another 2 days without complaining. The cabin is also very quiet when you want it to be.
1. The wind buffeting with windows down is real but I fixed it with 40 dollar ebay parts and ten minutes of work and they look like they came with the car
2. Cupholder with a cup in it really gets in the way of shifting….
That’s about it though.
I’m very happy with the car so far