When I emailed requesting my deposit back, I received an angry response questioning why I wouldn’t want one now, and that they could command 10k over MSRP. Does one really need to ask WHY after such a long wait, such shoddy workmanship with issues abounding (and not isolated to “a few members”) total lack of communication, price increases, service support delays, or to mention the $hit show that’s to come here in the U.S. when the time comes for all the repairs and upkeep!! Lack of true dealerships and service stations, where one needs to drive hours to have their car maintained or warranty issues taken care, will grow REAL old REAL FAST.
Beautiful LOOKING car, but a pig in an evening gown will still be a pig. Keep hearing how “it looks like a car three times the price”. Well it’s not a car three times the price, and if anything, given the workmanship it should probably be cheaper. China also makes identical looking AirPod knockoffs that are one third the price, until you go to use them.
When I see an Emira for the first time here in the states, and not a “tester”, I’ll ooh and aah and then slow clap their purchase choice and wish them luck. I for one am glad I moved on with another vehicle purchase , and everyone I have come across have applauded my decision to bail. General consensus that it’s a cool car, but…….