Spoke to Tom at Boardwalk. Looks like anyone after mid-August will be in the second batch of V6, non-FE for delivery next Spring. Here’s a summary of details.
- depending on size of your dealer, allocations are anywhere from 30-50. In this case, Boardwalk is getting 40. They have started reaching out to those 40 deposits. Given the amount of interest, it would take a lot of people dropping out for any of the later folks to get an FE this year. I placed deposit early September, a few days after learning about it from a colleague. Cut off for FE allocation was mid-August.
- Lotus will be building V6 first until next Spring. The second batch, non-V6 will start production early next year with delivery in Spring. FE 4cyl won’t start this year. Those will be delivered sometime next year.
- Pricing for second batch will likely increase a few percent. Of course this is conjecture as we don’t know what Lotus will do.
- More colors and options available for second batch of V6. It will be 2023 MY.
- Dealers will receive demo cars in the next 2-3 months.