- Mar 27, 2022
- 168
- 216
- Status:
- Emira Owner
- #6,941
I received a VIN today. I can see it on this NHTSA website. https://vpic.nhtsa.dot.gov/decoder/DecoderWas given a VIN today... the end is near. Doesn't come up in any search besides Lotus website just yet... so assuming still at Hethel. If anyone comes up with another way to search, please share. Also, do we know if the last 4 is accurate production number? Thanks!!
My salesperson thought that it was on a boat but was not sure. He said that the order for the car is shown as "processed" and sent an inquiry if that meant processed and ready to get on a boat or processed at the incoming port.
I'm in the Midwest and would prefer to have a few months to sell my M2 and get through a few more months of "now we have winter" here if possible but I'll also deal with getting it sooner if that's the case.
Anyone here have an idea of what "order processed" means at this stage?