If you've received other communication from Lotus, then I get your point. Legitimately though, the only communications I've ever received from Lotus was the email we just got. From my Lotus Dealer, the only communication I've got is that my car arrived and they will release it when they can.
The wait has been a complete shit show from a pure logic stand point, I don't disagree. My point though is that we are now holding them to deadlines that they never set.
The communication from Lotus was the clear verbal statements given by Lotus senior staff, directly to camera, at Goodwood 2021, and then Goodwood 2022. They made earnest comments about production and homologation that were explicitly inclusive of US market product. They even got on
The Smoking Tire podcast in December of '21 and acted like they were right on the verge of completing homologation and starting full scale production, when in reality they hadn't even started the regulatory process, either in the UK/EU markets or in the US.
Then Matt Windle got on camera in June of 2022 and
filmed a video apologizing for supply chain delays and made a series of explicit promises to their UK customers about honoring of original order pricing following the delays, all of which were subsequently broken in short order. "The price you've been quoted is the price you'll pay." Something like 60 days later, it turned out to be a lie, and many UK customers canceled their orders in protest.
That's in addition to the many assurances and general messaging received by journalists in the UK and EU in response to their pointed questions to Lotus senior management over the last 3 years. There were even multiple interviews with Matt Windle and Russell Carr on camera, by multiple outlets. TheLotusForums did a
long-form interview with Matt Windle before the original Goodwood reveal. And then there were a boatload of them after, including multiple factory walk-through videos and discussions about production, the
last of which was with Harry Metcalfe. And there was even a damn Channel 4 documentary about the "new Lotus". I have a copy of it if you want one.
You have to understand, for those of us who have been watching this shit show from the beginning, it's been insane. We've had a bizarre front-row seat to watch them outright lie to journalists and the public whenever they've been on camera, and then, rather inexcusably, lie to their own dealers about product production and delivery schedules. Lotus
have to have known that the things they've said weren't correct, or not achievable. It's not like the regulatory process is a surprise. It's the same every time! The dealers could do nothing other than pass those lies forward as though they were fact, though many dealers stopped doing that after they'd been burned two or three times.
And then on the other hand, as US customers we've literally received zero meaningful communication from Lotus following the placement of our deposits and locked-in orders, because apparently the one constituency they feel
NO responsibility toward whatsoever is their paying customers.
Utter nonsense, all of it. I'll be very happy to receive the car when it finally comes, because the one department in the company that seems to have their asses in proper gear is the engineering team, but my trust in the company itself hovers somewhere functionally around zero.