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USA/Canada Delivery Thread

Got same email. So nothing has changed Lotus don't know shit about anything.

Guess this enail was to butter us u for the next email on March 13 letting us know that CARB has not passed but we promise you will get you car at your 3 year birthday of waiting. this is such F#@*(@ Bull Shit.
Not only Did FE.1 owners get screwed in being told there will only be 700 made now there are FE.2. so definitely not a special car.
Sorry I sold my 2021 Evora GT now that was/is a special car.
I am at the point where i honestly give a rats arse when I get the car or not.
May even give it back to the dealership once i get it. They can flip it for me.
Already keeping my eyes out for a GT3 or McLaren.
Thanks for listening to my rant, but just had enough of Lotus's shit
Got same email. So nothing has changed Lotus don't know shit about anything.

Guess this enail was to butter us u for the next email on March 13 letting us know that CARB has not passed but we promise you will get you car at your 3 year birthday of waiting. this is such F#@*(@ Bull Shit.
Not only Did FE.1 owners get screwed in being told there will only be 700 made now there are FE.2. so definitely not a special car.
Sorry I sold my 2021 Evora GT now that was/is a special car.
I am at the point where i honestly give a rats arse when I get the car or not.
May even give it back to the dealership once i get it. They can flip it for me.
Already keeping my eyes out for a GT3 or McLaren.
Thanks for listening to my rant, but just had enough of Lotus's shit
FE1 was never going to be special, regardless of FE2. What is special is knowing you get the same car for $10k less. I'll take that all day. That's basically 1-2 years of depreciation free driving.
FE1 was never going to be special, regardless of FE2. What is special is knowing you get the same car for $10k less. I'll take that all day. That's basically 1-2 years of depreciation free driving.
You have a point possibly about car not being special. Yes on the 10K depreciation I do agree, but if i flip it now (i have never ever flipped a new car not did i intend to on this one) But nor have i ever been treat with such disrespect by a car company and made to feel that Lotus attitude is F.... the customers they will just buy the car anyway.
They messed up from day one but have in 2 year and 8 months have refused to admit they messed up in every which way possible,
nor have they ever apologized for anything.
IMHO all the top executives and management should have been fired over a year ago.
Most companies would have been bankrupted long ago.
I do not wish this to happen to Lotus. I do think the car is great.
Have also been a life long fan of Lotus. Even had the please of meeting Colin Chapman in person many years ago.
Just hold on a little longer, guys. We are almost there. I'm going to go make peking duck now. Having folks over for dinner. This should keep my mind off of things for a few hours.
C'mon people, let's not have a bunch of bitter, jilted-at-the-altar "Lotus done me wrong" noise. It's a car, it's just a car. Don't compare them as a company to Porsche. They're not ever going to be like Porsche. Porsche probably makes more cars in a week than Lotus has in its entire history.

Lotus is a very small company, it's behaving like a very small company, and it's going to continue to behave like a very small company. Don't expect anything more and you wont be disappointed, because you aren't going to get anything more. You will however, get a stunningly beautiful sports car; the last of it's breed.

We're now within less than a month of getting over the last hurdle, then we're on to delivery, pickup, and LOTS of excited posts and stories about our new cars. I'm sure there will be a few shitshow posts too, but that's life. As @Nova said, we're almost there.
You have a point possibly about car not being special. Yes on the 10K depreciation I do agree, but if i flip it now (i have never ever flipped a new car not did i intend to on this one) But nor have i ever been treat with such disrespect by a car company and made to feel that Lotus attitude is F.... the customers they will just buy the car anyway.
They messed up from day one but have in 2 year and 8 months have refused to admit they messed up in every which way possible,
nor have they ever apologized for anything.
IMHO all the top executives and management should have been fired over a year ago.
Most companies would have been bankrupted long ago.
I do not wish this to happen to Lotus. I do think the car is great.
Have also been a life long fan of Lotus. Even had the please of meeting Colin Chapman in person many years ago.
The car IS special, the last ICE Lotus and it looks better than almost anything else out there at any price point. Don't lose it now; hang in there. We're almost there.

You actually met Colin Chapman!? Tell us about that!
Seems like Lotus' communications are still hit or miss. Not sure how they parce out which customers get email updates and which ones don't. Seems to me that all current deposit holder regardless of production timeline should be getting updates. That's certainly not happening
No, they're obviously just not that organized, although it appears they're trying to at least somewhat get it together in that regard. Hopefully this trend will continue, and we'll see more and better communication.
The car IS special, the last ICE Lotus and it looks better than almost anything else out there at any price point. Don't lose it now; hang in there. We're almost there.

You actually met Colin Chapman!? Tell us about that!
In the 70" at South African F1 GP. Great person and friendly as long as things were going good for Lotus in practice and the race
In those days things were very different in terms of safety and security.
My best friends father was the Ferrari Dealership for most of Southern Africa. I was always a guest of Ferrari.
Lotus pits were right next door to Ferrari. No closed or separate pits for the teams, just a yellow tape separating the pit areas.
That is how i got to meet him as well as different Lotus drivers and team.
In the early 80's i did security for SA GP and worked directly for Bernie Eccleston.
Were crazy/great time times.
Some drivers used to smoke on the pit wall on pit lane
Seems like Lotus' communications are still hit or miss. Not sure how they parce out which customers get email updates and which ones don't. Seems to me that all current deposit holder regardless of production timeline should be getting updates. That's certainly not happening
Agree. I haven't received an email since the January "your Emira is in the mail" update.
not sure why but I only get emails sometimes, more often then not when everyone gets email I do not, not sure what's going on here with that.
In the 70" at South African F1 GP. Great person and friendly as long as things were going good for Lotus in practice and the race
In those days things were very different in terms of safety and security.
My best friends father was the Ferrari Dealership for most of Southern Africa. I was always a guest of Ferrari.
Lotus pits were right next door to Ferrari. No closed or separate pits for the teams, just a yellow tape separating the pit areas.
That is how i got to meet him as well as different Lotus drivers and team.
In the early 80's i did security for SA GP and worked directly for Bernie Eccleston.
Were crazy/great time times.
Some drivers used to smoke on the pit wall on pit lane
That pretty cool! In all honesty I have been through every phase of anger with Lotus and the dealer network. It’s a realization that in order to have something special it requires a bit more pain than normal (Porsche being normal for comms and service) or paying the higher price of Ferrari / McLaren. In the grand scale of sports cars the Emira will always be rare. Hold on, we are almost there!
not sure why but I only get emails sometimes, more often then not when everyone gets email I do not, not sure what's going on here with that.
Looks like that one came from a dealer. I didn't get one like that but I get all of the ones from Lotus.
out of curiosity, that says Galpin Lotus and Beverly hills lotus. I assume the Galpin one is in Van Nuys. Didn't know there was one in Beverly Hills. Cant find it on the dealer locator.
Galpin is working on standing up a new Lotus dealership in the Beverly Hills / Miracle Mile area. Only good news regarding the delays is I may not have to drive to the valley to pick up my i4, ha.
Pretty typical of the "everyone gets a trophy" generation.
Hey, I don't know you but you mind toning it down? The politics, lotus hate, California hate, generational hate, etc really isn't constructive. You're adding nothing to the conversation and adding negativity where it's not needed.
Hey, I don't know you but you mind toning it down? The politics, lotus hate, California hate, generational hate, etc really isn't constructive. You're adding nothing to the conversation and adding negativity where it's not needed.
Despite my distaste (to use a kind word) with participation trophy society, @Time2Fly has a point and we should try to stay focused on Emira talk and delivery news in this thread as much as possible. I'm betting on a last week of February delivery, why not February 29th just to make a true forward leap in progress?
I'm figuring first week of March is when we'll hear the news. I think March will be the big break-through month when people will finally start getting their cars.
I can understand the dilute thing. Announcing FE2.0s totally diluted the special or limited attractiveness of First Edition Emiras (to me at least). They did nothing to make the FE1.0s special, other than a painful 2 year wait of delays and poor comms to us early deposit holders. The original 6 colors are still offered on FE2.0s too.. which again, leaves nothing limited or attractive to the 1.0s over the 2.0s other than initial price. And here we are now with 2.0s ready for delivery at the same time as 1.0s. :rolleyes:

Or I could be totally off and that's not what @Deeznuss was talking about.
You guys keep saying your FE1's are nothing different or special from FE2..
You got a couple badges that say first edition or whatever...lol. Plus you saved 10k. Sounds good enough to me. I wish i even had an order in at this point.

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