C'mon people, let's not have a bunch of bitter, jilted-at-the-altar "Lotus done me wrong" noise. It's a car, it's just a car. Don't compare them as a company to Porsche. They're not ever going to be like Porsche. Porsche probably makes more cars in a week than Lotus has in its entire history.
Lotus is a very small company, it's behaving like a very small company, and it's going to continue to behave like a very small company. Don't expect anything more and you wont be disappointed, because you aren't going to get anything more. You will however, get a stunningly beautiful sports car; the last of it's breed.
We're now within less than a month of getting over the last hurdle, then we're on to delivery, pickup, and LOTS of excited posts and stories about our new cars. I'm sure there will be a few shitshow posts too, but that's life. As
@Nova said, we're almost there.