To all the Lotus pioneers, worried about their journey in a $100k sports car with heating, air conditioning, and having to travel hours! Hours I tell you! Just imagine being one of the pioneers about 170 years ago, climbing onto a wooden wagon being pulled by a team of animals, and setting out from St. Louis Missouri on a 2,000+ mile journey that's going to take over 6 months. You have air conditioning; the front and back of your cloth covered Conestoga Wagon are wide open all the time. For heating, you have to stop and light a campfire. No cell coverage either! No AAA unless you consider the U.S. Cavalry, although the forts were few and far between. Suspension was stiff, roads... well there weren't any most of the way. Wheels were iron covered wood by Good Grief. After you and the others had completed the trip, there would be ruts in the ground still visible 170 years later. No guarantee you'd make it. No guarantee of anything other than it was going to be a long and difficult journey, but come hell or high water it was Oregon or Bust.
Now can you imagine what those people would think if they could see and hear our woes and worries of today? Of the hardships we're concerned with having to face? They'd either be shocked, laugh, or embarrassed at what their descendants turned out to be like. Probably all three.
The dealer I ordered from is an 8 hour drive away. I'm having mine delivered by covered carrier. Since I placed my order July 11 of 2021, a new dealer has opened at the south end of Salt Lake City, so now the closest dealer is only 5 hours away. I hope the car is great, but if it has some issues, I'll deal with it. I know what this car represents, and I want to be a part of it. It's not for everyone, especially the faint of heart, but to those who make the journey... you're going to be a part of history, with a story to tell that only a few will be able to. Win, lose or draw, there will likely not be a time like this again in our lifetimes, certainly not mine. I'm in.