USA/Canada Delivery Thread

Notice the Feb12 to March 13 didn't include a year.
Could be Fed 12, 2024 to March 13, 2026
March 15th to April 14th timeline, the email campaign is ready soon.
I'm still betting on "shipping industry disruptions" makes it into the email somewhere. And I'll take May 6 - June 3 as the new date range.
I am fairly confident things are about to break. It's one thing to shoot a few hundred cars across the Atlantic in hopes of CARB approval, it's a whole other ballgame to keep producing and shipping cars. Surely Lotus has gotten updated since the first big shipment, if things were not going as planned, they would halt production/shipping. My car hit Baltimore a little over a week ago. So based on this evidence and rationale this thread can now be closed.
We are almost there gentlemen. We should start taking bets on what day it will be. Only positive responses.... And how much
I am fairly confident things are about to break. It's one thing to shoot a few hundred cars across the Atlantic in hopes of CARB approval, it's a whole other ballgame to keep producing and shipping cars. Surely Lotus has gotten updated since the first big shipment, if things were not going as planned, they would halt production/shipping. My car hit Baltimore a little over a week ago. So based on this evidence and rationale this thread can now be closed.
BUt we havent reached 500 pages yet
I put deposit 0ct 2022
Just normal dealer invoice showing my $5k deposit.
No emails at all.
No communication unless I called
once every 6 months.
last call a week ago I . got some info finally..
Im about #160th on depositer list
I guess they are at #75
I think he said #220 total
Fuk Haven't even test driven one in Toronto at dealership
Or seen colour disc's etc
wow that is certainly a lot more deposits than I would have thought. Also a good amount of Emira's - I did hear they had a successful Toronto Auto Show!'

I really hope you get a call once the base unit configurator gets released.
Not sure if this is a troll 🤣.

Deposit July 21
Got the call to spec my build for FE V2 September 23
On last check in 2 weeks ago, build is locked implying it was in production
These are starting to sound more like AA meetings.
"Hi my name is Steven and ... I'm an early July 21' depositor."
Group: "HI STEVEN."
"I've gone almost 3 whole months without going to visit my* Emira."
Group applauds.
So I put a deposit down back in November '23, originally was thinking the I4 but switched in December to the V6 manual after they delayed I4 til next year sometime. Everyone seems to be getting some kind of submission ID from what I'm reading on here, but everytime I reach out to my dealer they say it's in there but still nothing with build date or any proof of anything. Just seeing if this is normal to wait over 2 months to even get some kind of confirmation if I'm actually going to have my

LOL it’s been 30 plus for me.
Close to 31 months in just a weeks.
I’m betting 36 months 🤣

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