USA/Canada Delivery Thread

I put my deposit down on 4/29/2021, so I am rapidly approaching a three year wait. This is a MAJOR MAJOR purchase for me and it's has been a total disappointment, but I guess you guys already know that.
You say you put your deposit down on4/29/2021 this is a good few months before the official launch
May I ask where. ??
I am fairly confident things are about to break. It's one thing to shoot a few hundred cars across the Atlantic in hopes of CARB approval, it's a whole other ballgame to keep producing and shipping cars. Surely Lotus has gotten updated since the first big shipment, if things were not going as planned, they would halt production/shipping. My car hit Baltimore a little over a week ago. So based on this evidence and rationale this thread can now be closed.
I sure hope so! I submitted my final order at the end of Dec 23 with an estimated build date of April 24. Although my build will theoretically not be impacted by CARB, I am still watching this situation closely. I fear if approval does not come by 3/13, Lotus will have no choice but to stop production of USDM vehicles as they will have nowhere to put all the cars...
Do we think that CARB goes an entire month without any website updates? We had an update in January, but nothing in February unless they are going to update tomorrow on the 29th. I know it's random, but hard for me to believe they just skip a month with no updates.
Do we think that CARB goes an entire month without any website updates? We had an update in January, but nothing in February unless they are going to update tomorrow on the 29th. I know it's random, but hard for me to believe they just skip a month with no updates.
I would wager we will know on here before CARB updates its website
I put my deposit down on 4/29/2021, so I am rapidly approaching a three year wait. This is a MAJOR MAJOR purchase for me and it's has been a total disappointment, but I guess you guys already know that.
I put my deposit down back on July 8, 2021 and it feels like a lifetime ago. Thanks for making me feel better knowing that someone has been waiting longer than I have. Misery loves company.
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Do we think that CARB goes an entire month without any website updates? We had an update in January, but nothing in February unless they are going to update tomorrow on the 29th. I know it's random, but hard for me to believe they just skip a month with no updates.

They updated the list on January 14th & February 2nd.

On Feb 2nd they added a bunch for Ford, FCA, Merc, Tesla and Subaru.

You will not see Lotus on the website update until well after it's actually been approved and released for sale by dealers.

You will most likely find out from dealers when Lotus has been granted CARB EO.

The flow of information will go from Lotus => Lotus USA => Dealers => You

The list is just updated on it's own and you can look at carb EO dates and update dates for the page and see they're not aligned.
In the last update on Feb 2nd here are the EO dates released:


It could be in between 3 weeks - 3 months offset from actual approval to listed on site.
The flow of information will go from Lotus => Lotus USA => Dealers => You will go from Lotus => Dog Catcher => Forgotten for a week => Mailed to Lotus USA In error with a "soon" statement => Correctly mailed to Lotus USA => Sits on Interns Desk => (Carb website updates - panic ensues) => Dealers => You

I just wanted to make sure everyone knew both options.
I put my deposit down on 4/29/2021, so I am rapidly approaching a three year wait. This is a MAJOR MAJOR purchase for me and it's has been a total disappointment, but I guess you guys already know that.
What we do know is that you know nothing and just playings games here please move on.
A funny thing happened on the way to this forum post.

I heard a shrill noise that sounded like, “beware the Ides of March!” Maybe, it was a grand delusion fueled by the hopes of my Emira’s squealing brakes leaving the lot after being parked for 7 months post production. Maybe, it was my taunting neighbors foreshadowing the unrelenting letdown to come post March 13th. 😔

May the Communist Overlords of California allow us all to March 4th to our Lotus dealerships and pick up our Emiras on Monday.
CARB = Can Anyone Really Believe?
be a rebel

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What we do know is that you know nothing and just playings games here please move on.
Dealerships can take deposits to get a place in line before the unveiling. I heard my dealership had 10ish before the unveiling which turned out to be what you had to do to get one of their dozen V1 allocations. I ended up doing this with the Eletre, I have my deposit before they showed it - if I didn’t like the car when it was shown I could take the deposit back.
I pass the time waiting for the 911T to come out of US customs jail from the VW China part issue. Seems the car will be released this or next week!

I ordered it in September 23 (18m after the Emira) and may get it mid March I guess, probably 12m - 18m before the Emira (I'm in the Base queue). 😀

Since these are first world problems, I just laugh at the various hurdles and stay positive.

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