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USA/Canada Delivery Thread

That is unfortunate, we have dealt with Luiggi the owner for a few years now and he has always been a good stand up guy for us.
It was an employee of theirs. I'm not sure if the employee is still there, but if the shop isn't carrying insurance their employees shouldn't be touching cars. From the victim, the driver was barely insured and hit seven other cars in this wreck.

Hopefully Luiggi has cleaned up his shop roster and gotten coverage for customer's cars since the wreck. Regardless, just a warning to Emira owners to make sure the shops they use are insured. Just imagine waiting another two years.
It was an employee of theirs. I'm not sure if the employee is still there, but if the shop isn't carrying insurance their employees shouldn't be touching cars. From the victim, the driver was barely insured and hit seven other cars in this wreck.

Hopefully Luiggi has cleaned up his shop roster and gotten coverage for customer's cars since the wreck. Regardless, just a warning to Emira owners to make sure the shops they use are insured. Just imagine waiting another two years.

How could the owner not be held liable for this? It sounds like a nightmare and a business ending mistake.
lol we could, positive thoughts , i have the feeling the end is near. Maybe there’s something out there already.
what should we talk about to hit 500? Lotus stock should have been called SOON? Btw is down in the sevens today.
My wife suggests that we all talk about our feelings and insecurities so that we spend the time improving ourselves and are better people by the time the Emiras come.

So it's that or we just keep posting memes...

(Opens meme app)
Maybe we could talk about the Lotus Cookie?

Like Lotus cars, they are small and unique. However, the cookies are readily available. Had some myself recently, very tasty.
Maybe we could talk about the Lotus Cookie?

Like Lotus cars, they are small and unique. However, the cookies are readily available. Had some myself recently, very tasty.
Those are delicious and addictive.
Can easily eat an entire sleeve in one sitting
My wife suggests that we all talk about our feelings and insecurities so that we spend the time improving ourselves and are better people by the time the Emiras come.

So it's that or we just keep posting memes...

(Opens meme app)
Was thinking of buying an Evora GT today with a guaranteed buyback when/if my Emira ever comes in.
Ran it by my wife. She said I need to show restraint and practice my patience. 😢
I called to check on my car. My vehicle is "on the water". I was also told CARB has passed but red tape hold ups remain. Take that for whatever it's worth...but wanted to share. I was also starting to think about how long it will take the dealers to actually schedule all the deliveries of the vehicles sitting on their lots. So even when we get "the green light" - it will be a scheduling nightmare to get a good time to go get the car and actually drive away...
I've seen similar chatter on the Lotus Emira Facebook group recently. One person stated a dealer claim that CARB had passed. I'm not sure why this information is being dolled out, but it's clearly fake news. Maybe it's an attempt to prevent order cancellations?
what should we talk about to hit 500? Lotus stock should have been called SOON? Btw is down in the sevens today.
We can talk about the people who bought $LOT after I cautioned every automotive related SPAC in the past few years is either out of business, in bankruptcy, in the process of going out of business, or are hanging on by a thread... and will go out of business. SPEAKING OF WHICH, lets check into how $LOT is down 25% in one day today.

For real though, the fact they chose a SPAC terrifies me. They are often vehicles (pun intended) to help exit early shareholders and to walk away. I'm still very concerned Lotus went this route and it for sure has me wondering where they will now be in 12-24 months. Annnnnnnnd browsing 911's continues 😒
I've seen similar chatter on the Lotus Emira Facebook group recently. One person stated a dealer claim that CARB had passed. I'm not sure why this information is being dolled out, but it's clearly fake news. Maybe it's an attempt to prevent order
I've seen similar chatter on the Lotus Emira Facebook group recently. One person stated a dealer claim that CARB had passed. I'm not sure why this information is being dolled out, but it's clearly fake news. Maybe it's an attempt to prevent order cancellations?
i have the feeling it will be a day or two.
I called my Lotus dealer and canceled my order yesterday. July 2021 deposit holder. I decided I'd rather use the funds for other things and if all goes well, get a used 992 GT3 a year or so from now.
Will they refund your deposit?
I called my Lotus dealer and canceled my order yesterday. July 2021 deposit holder. I decided I'd rather use the funds for other things and if all goes well, get a used 992 GT3 a year or so from now.
and so close….
and so close….
Sunk-cost fallacy.

the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial.
"the sunk-cost fallacy creeps into a lot of major financial decisions"

He made decisions based on current and future circumstances for his case and didn't use the factor that just because he had a reservation forever that he must therefore wait for up to .... never 😅. I do this evaluation daily at this point with the Emira. The fact it hasn't passed CARB yet... and I'm not talking about paperwork I'm talking about they've been trying since Fall, that is for sure very concerning at this point.
Sunk-cost fallacy.

He made decisions based on current and future circumstances for his case and didn't use the factor that just because he had a reservation forever that he must therefore wait for up to .... never 😅. I do this evaluation daily at this point with the Emira. The fact it hasn't passed CARB yet... and I'm not talking about paperwork I'm talking about they've been trying since Fall, that is for sure very concerning at this point.
Yeap, 😂 you are not the only one , but not going back with the car at dealer now. No judgement here.

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