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USA/Canada Delivery Thread

So it's raining and I don't want to ride bicycles or want to engage in the politics debate here -- so instead I've been analyzing the exact test result numbers in EPA filing that was issued October 27 2023 and then the CARB certification data that was approved on January 29 2024

Emissions TypeEPA FilingCARB EO FilingMax for CA LEV3 ULEV125
NMOG + NOx0.054 g/mi0.054 g/mi0.125 g/mi
CO0.6 g/mi0.65 g/mi2.1 g/mi
PM0.000 g/mi0.0003 g/mi0.003 g/mi

I was initially worried about either some detuning of power or throttle response via tip in/tip out transient emissions but the numbers that the EPA approved the vehicle at and the numbers that CARB approved the vehicle at are exactly the same with the exception that some numbers are rounded and some are not. I don't see any evidence they had to make any sort of changes to the tuning in order to get emissions under control anywhere.

I'm thinking if there were changes to software they don't affect performance or emissions at all. Pretty sure all the worry and the rumor mill about updates being needed to pass emissions are all bullshit and it just takes time for the wheels of bureaucracy to turn.
This is awesome!
What's going to be fascinating is if there's more than just CARB approval at play, and Lotus continues to delay for some other reason. Imagine the angst that would ensue. 🤣
What's going to be fascinating is if there's more than just CARB approval at play, and Lotus continues to delay for some other reason. Imagine the angst that would ensue. 🤣
Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if they couldn’t get the printer paper to align quite right for the window stickers. 1 year delay.
I think only the OP or a mod can. @VL3X is it possible to do a poll in that thread that has multiple fields? Color: pick one; Black pack: pick one, etc etc

Yeah, I don't think we can add a poll once a thread is already created.. And only certain subs allow polls. I'll look into it further tomorrow.
In typical Lotus fashion we won't hear anything today. No official comms or statement I hope I'm wrong!
Well it’s Monday ….
Well then it's good we got those great gifts Lotus promised to help... Oh wait.

That entire episode is still just head shakingly inept to me. Even Halloween candy givers know that the key with giving is in the moment, so when they run out of candy, they start handing out potatoes. I would have been satisfied with an expired Evora brochure, a 10mm socket, or a takeout menu from their lunch room.

It's the gesture that counts.
My dealer says MSRP for me is $95,200
When they increased the price for the FE2.0's the real way I justified it in my head was that it was going to come a year later, and would be a different model year so it would hold a little more value based on being a year younger. Now that they are literally all going to deliver at the exact same time, and your deposit date placed didn't ensure that you got the lower pricing vs higher pricing, it all feels random and inappropriate at this point. Won't stop me from buying, but internally it's really frustrating.

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