• The September 2024 Lotus Emira Photo of the Month contest is underway! Please take a moment to check out thread here: 🏆 September 2024 - Emira of the Month starts now! (You can dismiss this message by clicking the X in the top right hand corner of this notice.)

USA/Canada Delivery Thread

You sir, are a legend. First Emira delivered in the US. Can't wait to join you on Friday!

I work up the street from Lotus Cape Fear. You should come by with it (if you can be bothered to get out of it for the first 48 hours) 😂
I'm not sure how this is "deceptive" as it seems they disclosed exactly what they're charging above the sticker in two separate addendums. Whether or not someone is willing to pay that for immediate gratification and to have a First Edition Emira that they didn't have to wait 3 years for like the rest of us 1FE orderers is yet to be seen... but nothing wrong with them trying imho.
...also doing my part as a CARB state impatiently waiting early depositor to get this thread to 500!!!

When are our CARB state vehicle boats getting on the water?!?!?!?!?
Running the car around a track and on a dyno always made me think that negates the break-in procedure.

Lotus when the car comes off the line: Flogs it around a track and revs it out on a dyno
Lotus when you buy the car: "Go easy on it for 1000 miles"
Well, the Emira has a data recorder…so I’m following the break-in procedure - easy to use the data from when I took delivery onward.
Curious if anyone has financed the vehicle outside of Lotus options given reports that they are potentially forcing people to use Santander. Wondering if this is true.
Curious if anyone has financed the vehicle outside of Lotus options given reports that they are potentially forcing people to use Santander. Wondering if this is true.
Not true to my knowledge. The one report about that connected with Lotus of Dallas seems to have been overstated.

You deleted it, bastard!
The thread would need a good epitaph.

"Herein lies the collected automotive angst of a continent, their petulant screams echoing impotently into the void, hopelessly awaiting a good customer experience that will simply never come. Look on them, see their Lotus-inflicted misery, and despair."

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