Forums are a strange place. Only 20% of the people who visit here are signed up as members and only about half of the members have posted. We have maybe 50 very active members, who visit and post regularly. The people who post are therefore the tip of a very big iceberg of silent readers. It can be a bit of an echo chamber - people reinforce a thread, post or line of reasoning and new or counter views are less common.
On most forums (particularly car-related ones) you'll see a disproportionate number of posts are about problems or concerns. Over on the Evora forums for example, you'll find load of posts about electrical gremlins, LED and AC failures, clutch replacement and so on - that doesn't mean the Evora is an unreliable or fault-prone car, just that when people have a problem they will search and post about it. The people who haven't got a problem are usually too busy out enjoying their cars to post about it, but will often chip in to say "I had that problem and this is how I solved it".
On here we have a slightly different skew: a forum for a car that lots of people want but very few own and not many have seen or driven. And that against a backdrop of major disruption in the whole industry and in other sectors and economies. So inevitably we get a higher proportion of posts about the delays and frustrations than we do about the joys of ownership.
The broader perspective is that the vast majority of people seem to be OK with what's happening - we could have 10x the membership and 10x the number of grumbling posts, but we don't. Those people are the silent majority - or someone could stick up a poll and see if they'll show themselves.
The small but vocal minority that do post range from the enthusiastic through the curious and undecided right across to the negative and critical. All those views are equally valid. Being annoyed about how you're treated when you're trying to hand over £80k is a valid topic for discussion, particularly if it helps others also understand how they might be treated as a customer.
Alongside some of the negative posts, we have some joyous ones. Learning more about this brilliant little car and the heritage, skill and commitment that has brought it to life. Reading the feedback from the first few lucky owners. Reading the impressions of people excitedly getting to test drive the car for the first time and comparing it against their previous (and very diverse) car driving and ownership. Plus new "online friends" and a few "personalities"! With first UK customer deliveries starting and UK test drives about to kick off, the floodgates on the first-hand experience kinds of posts are about to open.
If you're frustrated or annoyed by some of the negative posts, can I suggest you add constructive and balanced counterpoint or scroll past. You can block specific posters and there are threads you can avoid (we're looking into an "ignore thread" option too). Threads about the UK sale, deposit, checkout, delivery and test drive processes can have a skew towards negativity but also have useful updates about the process - you can make a choice about reading them or not. The threads about "second thoughts", alternatives to the Emira and cancellations are probably ones to avoid if you want to steer clear of some of the frustration, uncertainty, doubt and concern being expressed by some people. This thread is probably also one to skip over, as it's become the main focus for frustrations about delays and poor customer care.
If you want to read the positive stuff, head over to these two threads, which cover the heart of what really matters and why we're all here (and why some of us are frustrated not to have our cars or a test drive yet) - a brilliant car that stirs the emotions and most of us can't wait to own:
My automotive background; I have a good amount of experience on road courses and auto-crossing. I’ve never owned an automatic vehicle. I’ve never driven a Lotus. The closest I’ve gotten is experiencing a 991.1 GT3 PDK on track, which was magnificent. I have a deposit for an Emira V6 6MT. I...
So good morning... sorry I did not post yesterday after the event, but I went straight to a friends house for dinner, a Pilot who used to have an Excel, 25 years ago, now sadly has lost I would say 90% interest in cars *drives a SMART, and is now more into light lite aricraft....... father...
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