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Further Delays

My enhance and protect email arrived on 21st October. My checkout email arrived on 22nd December. So don't think timescales between emails can be relied on just like anything else at Lotus. I completed checkout on 29th December and then got an Identity Check process email on 30th December which I completed immediately. After completing checkout it said 30 days - somehow I doubt that!!
Yep. No logic to it.
My enhance & protect email - 21st Oct.
Checkout - last Thursday, 5th Jan.
Hopefully it won’t be another two and a half months until delivery!
My enhance and protect email arrived on 21st October. My checkout email arrived on 22nd December. So don't think timescales between emails can be relied on just like anything else at Lotus. I completed checkout on 29th December and then got an Identity Check process email on 30th December which I completed immediately. After completing checkout it said 30 days - somehow I doubt that!!
I got mine same day. When I spoke to LCS they said no rush on checkout email, some 10 days after receiving it
Enhance & protect 21st October - delay email sent in November, Delay call just before xmas, nothing since no checkout email.
Ok. So even if Auto customers start getting enhance protect emails within the next week. It’s still no guarantee the cars will be delivered in March / April as indicated
Ok. So even if Auto customers start getting enhance protect emails within the next week. It’s still no guarantee the cars will be delivered in March / April as indicated
As I think we should all have realised by now any indicated guarantees are not guaranteed indicators and we should all rub crystal balls/throw tarot cards around/consult Mystic Meg, as to wtf is actually going to happen.
I will consider my car to have been delivered when I engage first gear and drive it up the road.
I got mine same day. When I spoke to LCS they said no rush on checkout email, some 10 days after receiving it
In 4 days it will be my 30 days from when I completed checkout.

Surprise surprise I've heard nothing on delivery dates, despite chasing twice.

I really am not looking forward to the aftercare with Lotus...
Lotus being cute with checkout emails to lure people into thinking they may soon receive the car? This to stem the flow of cancellations perhaps?

I thought the same when I received mine,the same day I had complained about hearing nothing yet again.

Maybe it's to tie us down with that 5k deposit?knowing they are going to delay again? I call bull derdash.
I thought the same when I received mine,the same day I had complained about hearing nothing yet again.

Maybe it's to tie us down with that 5k deposit?knowing they are going to delay again? I call bull derdash.
Have you paid more money. Either the full amount or Finance deposit?
Pretty poor show if so.
Protect email = October 21st
Checkout Email and process completed = December 14th

Heard nothing.
Chased them up on Friday.

As much as I believe the car is amazing - I am now on the verge of having to cancel for other reasons.
Protect email = October 21st
Checkout Email and process completed = December 14th

Heard nothing.
Chased them up on Friday.

As much as I believe the car is amazing - I am now on the verge of having to cancel for other reasons.
Oh no, that’s a quick change of heart
Ha. I can't go on living in a dreamland really.

I know I want the car 100% but other things are changing and I can't see myself giving up the Ferrari for it.
Lotus being cute with checkout emails to lure people into thinking they may soon receive the car? This to stem the flow of cancellations perhaps?

Received the P & E email Oct 21st Oct , didn't receive the checkout that I was informed would follow shortly , received a call early Dec advising of a further delay to Jan build , Feb delivery , nothing since apart from Seasons Greetings on 22nd .What's concerning is that once the check out email is completed and the car paid for this is still not a rock solid guarantee the car will be ready , I'm loosing interest here .
Just phones CS. Lovely Abi. They are doing a very tough job well. It is never their fault in the lack of information.

Anyway... says that my car is in the hands of the transportation company, who also sort out the PDI. They/I have no idea what this means in terms of timing for me.
Hoping for January delivery still of course - IF i still even get it.
Spoke to CS yesterday having had the pre xmas call telling me the 'good news' that my car was being built in January (was December before the call) with a March delivery ( perhaps PDI is delaying things). Phoned CS yesterday who said there unfortunately further delays that would be communicated in an email later this week. Then said my car was now scheduled for Jan build, Feb delivery! I suspect I will get an email with a further delay , but they are all over the shop. Turned up for my booked Emira drive today in biblical downpour to find the car in the showroom. Mechanic then came out with a laptop to plug in to get it started! Something they have to do when glitches appear. Doesn't fill you with confidence that the car is debugged yet.
Yeah, this transportation and PDI issue is really frustrating.
Yes, it might be out of Lotus' hands at that point but if the had correctly foreseen this then they would have doubled the provision.

Knowing my car is ready but being held up by "waiting for the transportation company to ket us know the date of your delivery" is, quite frankly, ridiculous.

The facts, as I now know them are:

  • Lotus finish the car build to their desired quality and satisfaction
  • The transportation company comes and gets the car and takes it to their place (BCA?) to have the PDI performed
  • Failing PDI, revisions will be made on the spot, if possible, or, worst case, the car has to go back to Hethel
  • If the PDI is clear they then have to schedule the transporter to deliver the car (this is likely to be in batches geographically?)
So, we are in the hands of a 3rd party company who likely have no financial motive to get the cars to us quickly and cause a further delay in the back of physical deliveries.
Yeah, this transportation and PDI issue is really frustrating.
Yes, it might be out of Lotus' hands at that point but if the had correctly foreseen this then they would have doubled the provision.

Knowing my car is ready but being held up by "waiting for the transportation company to ket us know the date of your delivery" is, quite frankly, ridiculous.

The facts, as I now know them are:

  • Lotus finish the car build to their desired quality and satisfaction
  • The transportation company comes and gets the car and takes it to their place (BCA?) to have the PDI performed
  • Failing PDI, revisions will be made on the spot, if possible, or, worst case, the car has to go back to Hethel
  • If the PDI is clear they then have to schedule the transporter to deliver the car (this is likely to be in batches geographically?)
So, we are in the hands of a 3rd party company who likely have no financial motive to get the cars to us quickly and cause a further delay in the back of physical deliveries.
And it maybe in their financial opportunity to delay - more costs for them. I am forever, the doom merchant ad I have seen this in my working life, opportunities to increase the bottom line is always a motivator, believe me!
Yeah, this transportation and PDI issue is really frustrating.
Yes, it might be out of Lotus' hands at that point but if the had correctly foreseen this then they would have doubled the provision.

Knowing my car is ready but being held up by "waiting for the transportation company to ket us know the date of your delivery" is, quite frankly, ridiculous.

The facts, as I now know them are:

  • Lotus finish the car build to their desired quality and satisfaction
  • The transportation company comes and gets the car and takes it to their place (BCA?) to have the PDI performed
  • Failing PDI, revisions will be made on the spot, if possible, or, worst case, the car has to go back to Hethel
  • If the PDI is clear they then have to schedule the transporter to deliver the car (this is likely to be in batches geographically?)
So, we are in the hands of a 3rd party company who likely have no financial motive to get the cars to us quickly and cause a further delay in the back of physical deliveries.

I have the solution , moving the PDI place and staff close to hethel fabric , only few meters long 😅

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