I tried using an aftermarket Android Auto USB to Bluetooth adaptor, and IT WORKS. The unit I bought is the "A2AIR Pro" from "ottocast". Although there are similar products for half the price, I chose this one because it has FCC and Japan "Giteki" certification. They make an iOS version called "U2Air Pro" for those of you with iPhones. Both are available on Amazon, Rakuten and other major online stores.
Android Auto を使うためにスマホを有線接続するのが嫌で気になる商品をポチってみたところ、ちゃんと使えました。半値ぐらいのものが多数あるようですが、Ottocast 社の "A2AIR Pro" は技適取得済と書いてあったのでコレにしました。アマゾンや楽天などでは1万円ちょっとで売られています。また、Apple Carplay 用の "U2AIR Pro" も販売されています。商品名が紛らわしいので要注意です。
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The kit contains the module, USB cables (for Type-A and Type-C), double sided tape, and a user manual. I selected the Type-A cable, thinking that the ports and connectors are mechanically stronger than Type-C. The double sided tape is extra strong; use with caution. I stuck the module on the underside of the center console lid. No issues with reception from the cup holders and phone tray.
箱には本体、USB ケーブル2種類、両面テープ、説明書が含まれています。両面テープは強力なので位置決めは一発で決めないといけません。ひじ掛けの蓋の裏側に設置して使っています。
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I have absolutely no idea why, but connection was intermittent during the first hour or so of usage but then started to work flawlessly after that. Maybe the module was "learning" something? Not that it matters to me anymore.
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ottocast ==>