Kef tested again today in a VIN dealer-owned car tested for a long time around 35 minutes. This car is a Dealer car as they bought it but it can't be driven till Carb is approved. I was able to sit and at least spent some time in the car to listen and test the Nav/systems & stuff. I was able to set up Apple Car Play & use some other sources from my phone with higher-end source material. What is interesting is the sound was better than the Demo cars I was able to drive during test drives & sit in them afterward. The SUB was better than the other Demo Emira's I was able to listen to. The highs were okay I changed them in the settings which helped during certain music listening. What was strange was the volume control needed to be at 85% to get enough volume out of the speakers. If I had done this in my Audi B&O system my ears would have been bleeding and the speakers would have been distorted and damaged (Max I put that system is at half volume most listening is at 35 to 40%. The Emira system felt like it has a limiter of some sort maybe it's protecting the amp not sure. I was told in the KEF Lotus SUV that you can't control the base because the built-in EQ systems control that sub-system volume.
I know in my home I have 4 Sonos amps & in the APP you can control the max volume limit so if you're having a party the system will only go to a % volume of your choice. I have mine st at 65% MAX to protect the system/speakers. I need to do this when the wife has friends over during her crazy parties to protect the system & stop calls from the HOA. You would think that 4 Sonus Amps & 8 total (8-inch Monitor Audio C380-IDC ceiling speakers with the largest Sonus sub (Gen-3) would be enough, no not for her and her friends. ( I won't allow them in the home theater, way too complex & too much power)
Anyway back to the Emira I played all types of music and if I had to rate it on a scale from 10 being the best and 0 being the worst I rated it to be a middle 5. The Demo cars I was able to drive and listen to in the past were considered a solid 2 max in my ratings. I am not sure what happened but at least I can say it was not horrible like I mentioned in the past post. I wonder if the AMP or the volume is limited because on 99% of any cars I ever listened to in my time if you put the volume at 65% or higher the speakers and the system would have distortion and major issues would arise (Damage to the drivers). Anyway after today's experience, I bet there will be new Emira USA owners that will be okay with the system and with some that are not as picky being happy. Anyway felt I would post it and I also drove a Demo car this week the Emira is a very nice car, with interior and fit and finish light years better than its predecessor, yes the shifter is notchy similar to my old Evora & it is not butter smooth like my previous Porsches. What was funny after I drove the Emira this week, I was able to drive a friend's new C8 Z06, that car is just stupidly loud & way too fast for the streets ( Feels very Lambo Aventador not like Hurcan). I still want one I have about 6 weeks to decide as my allocation came up but I am not sure where I will be able to drive that thing, It feels much larger than the Emira in every way but the power is on another level of crazy town.
Anyway at least in this Emira, it's not that bad as I said in my previous post. This was a production vehicle that could be sold, not a pre-production/demo car. But let me be clear this is not a customer's car, I would never do that, this is a dealer-owned car that they will be keeping for the near future.