USA/Canada Delivery Thread

Montréal dealer confirmed canada approved emira. 60 Canadian cars on ship to arrive March 6ish
does your vin yield results on google? I contacted another FE1 Vancouver both our vins dont yield results
Montréal dealer confirmed canada approved emira. 60 Canadian cars on ship to arrive March 6ish
Thanks for sharing! Any idea if this is the first or the 2nd batch? Yesterday’s news implied they were on the way from Baltimore, so anything coming by ship now would be the 2nd batch. When I spoked to Gentry over the last couple weeks they weren’t sure whether their FE V1s were sitting somewhere in the US or not.

As of last week the status of mine was in production while some and all the V1s were “produced”. Wondering if it might be on that delivery :). If not fingers crossed it won’t be more than a month later.
I really doubt any Canadian cars have arrived in the US. Someone who's have found the import records.
I really doubt any Canadian cars have arrived in the US. Someone who's have found the import records.
This sounds about right to me, my dealer also said VIN likely when it’s put on ship and I’m not aware of anyone in Canada getting their VIN.
Thanks for sharing! Any idea if this is the first or the 2nd batch? Yesterday’s news implied they were on the way from Baltimore, so anything coming by ship now would be the 2nd batch. When I spoked to Gentry over the last couple weeks they weren’t sure whether their FE V1s were sitting somewhere in the US or not.

As of last week the status of mine was in production while some and all the V1s were “produced”. Wondering if it might be on that delivery :). If not fingers crossed it won’t be more than a month later.
couple of us in vancouver have had the vin since late dec/early jan. none of them shows up on import search yet
It is my understanding that 1 small batch of Canadian cars were held at port in Baltimore or possible Lotus USA in Michigan. All F/E V1's. However, there is a possibility they were held at port in UK/Hethel. Either way, someone in Canada will be driving an Emira by end of March hopefully!
I really doubt any Canadian cars have arrived in the US. Someone who's have found the import records.
It's also unlikely that they would ship the bulk of the Canadian cars through a US port. Just too messy a process. They have enough cars being made for the Canadian market that it would make more sense to import via a Canadian port like Halifax, St. John, or even Montreal.
I guess it's very possible that some of the 500+ cars shipped to Baltimore was destined for Canada. We don't really have a way to confirm that all of those cars were sent to non-Carb dealers.
Mine just says made in Hethel, didnt show up on any ships.


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