Thanks, that's useful. I'd heard about Thorney warranties and that definitely looks the way to go.
I know little about these cars, I drove one at the car club in Barcelona for a nice southern french weekend when they first came out. I wont even give my humble opinion as I am sure you know more than I do on its driving ability, style and how it makes you feel.
I would say, speaking to a Maclaren/ Lotus dealer recently, he didnt say they were bullet proof, as lets face it, apart from maybe Audi's R8 and potentially Porsches, there are no bullet proof super cars, but he certainly said it was one of their better cars and indicated they had very few warranty issues with them.
Probably you have already done it, but popping in to speak to a local and friendly dealer, if you have one, knowing some are not so local or friendly, thinking of Jayemmmms friend's experience, I am sure they will steer you right, whether you got the car through them or not.
Having driven them both now, albeit limitedly for the Emira, there is no comparison..... we do it, but we cant compare a Mclaren with a Lotus, not these two anyway. Both are great in their own way, but although I said I wouldn't, the only two things I would say are the Mclaren is along the lines of modern day porsches, in that its too good. Its amazing that you can go 120mph and it feels like 60....its very fast and handles as it should..but.. you wont feel as alive as in the Emira, where 120 feels like 180 haha. You already know this from the Evora anyway.
Also, the Mclaren I found to be pretty economical.... I got way over 30mpg and in todays world... thats something