Update on the full Larini V6 exhaust system

If anyone is interested in the US specifics, here is the part of the US Code that forbids a warranty from being voided by "tying arrangements" that specify you have to replace parts with OEM ones.


Title 15, chapter 50, section 2302: https://law.justia.com/codes/us/2021/title-15/chapter-50/sec-2302/

PDF: https://statecodesfiles.justia.com/us/2021/title-15/chapter-50/sec-2302/sec-2302.pdf?ts=1678882057

FTC: https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/resources/businesspersons-guide-federal-warranty-law
That doesn’t apply here. Right to retain warranty by using replacement parts from a 3rd party for repairs is different than replacing OEM parts and causing other systems to fail. If you install an exhaust system that causes the car to behave in a manner inconsistent with its created intentions (volume, temperature, air intake/exhaust, valve opening, environmental monitoring or mediation, et …) but you do you. FAFO

While you’re at it go ahead and install an aftermarket software to increase horsepower to 416 and convert it to run on E85. Hey, third party systems and software are protected right??? Let me know how it goes.
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That doesn’t apply here. Right to retain warranty by using replacement parts from a 3rd party for repairs is different than replacing OEM parts and causing other systems to fail. If you install an exhaust system that causes the car to behave in a manner inconsistent with its created intentions (volume, temperature, air intake/exhaust, valve opening, environmental monitoring or mediation, et …) but you do you. FAFO
yeah no obviously. The protections here are for situations where the manufacturer tries to deny warranty work on say a faulty shock because I installed an aftermarket exhaust... they would have to prove that exhaust caused the shock to fail.
yeah no obviously. The protections here are for situations where the manufacturer tries to deny warranty work on say a faulty shock because I installed an aftermarket exhaust... they would have to prove that exhaust caused the shock to fail.
Yup and the concern with this model is the very real possibility of software or other hardware needs relating to the engine and intake/exhaust.
Yup and the concern with this model is the very real possibility of software or other hardware needs relating to the engine and intake/exhaust.
yeah we are on the same page, they would still have to prove the modification is the root cause of the problem you are trying to fix under warrranty. They can't just wholesale throw the warranty away on the entire car if you install an exhaust, or any other aftermarket part.

But yeah I get what you are saying, it would definitely not be too hard for them to claim an afternarket exhaust has adverse effects on engine health/performance.
The key term here is "void". It's not possible under US law to "void" the warranty on a product, period.

Many manufacturers have tried, i.e. "You did X with the car, so now you have no warranty whatsoever and no right to request service from a dealer for defects." That's what "voiding" a warranty is.

In the US a manufacturer can deny a specific warranty claim, but only if they can reasonably prove that a modification or aftermarket part directly contributed to the failure. It's illegal to deny warranty service based on an unrelated vehicle system. The published warranty holds for the complete term, and the Federally mandated emissions system warranty must be honored regardless of modification.
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Finally, here it is.
Well, I am overjoyed with the exhaust. It amplified the existing character of the car, adds a further nuance and absolutely screams like a V12 at the top end.
Just wow.
As always, happy to take people out in it. I am West Surrey based.

I will be putting the car up for sale. Not that I want to sell it, but as part of my 'PLAN'.
My favourite thing about this video:

"If you're worried about your neighbours or taking it down the high street, you can put it in tour, and it won't scare any old grannies"

< proceeds to take it down the high street in sport at full chat, wailing like a banshee >


It sounds great, but I simultaneously cringe at the idea of drawing that kind of attention. Maybe I'm just an old fuddy duddy before my time :)
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Ha. Yeah, I don't really get embarrassed. :)

It is loud enough to hear it half a mile away in an urban area. This I know.
Ordinarily, not when fir a video, I don't do that. Honest 🥷
You did a great job in the video comparison outside and inside the car with drive bys and all that. Good job with the mic work too and not blowing out the sound. I like the exhaust sound a lot and would consider it myself now. Only thing i’d counter is I don’t think it sounds like a v12 at all or that wasn’t picked up on the mics — but that’s fine by me — it isn’t one lol!
Sounds great - my only worry would be whether or not it drones at motorway cruising speeds. The slow tour mode inside sounded pretty droney? In sound it reminds me a bit of the titanium exhaust Larini designed for the 111R. B&C had it on their yellow sports racer for a while but had to take it off - it sounded truly epic, but the drone was so bad you wanted to take a drill to your own temple after 20 minutes!

Would be really interested to hear feedback around that. FYI - I had the 2bular "road" valved system on my V6 roadster which was basically straight-through when the valve was open. That sounded amazing, but didn't have as much character as the larini in that vid - it didn't drone at all though.
Same here, I'm seriously tempted. Looks like it may be about $2500 USD for the decat pipe and the exhaust. That's not bad at all.
Sounds great, but I think it will never get a street approval in Europe/Germany😢😔
omfg that sounds phenomenal :love:

100% buy for me. no doubt in my mind. im favoriting that video and gunna rewatch it over and over and over while I wait to experience it myself

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