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USA/Canada Delivery Thread


Patricia is the manager over there so I’m not sure who got this info that lotus Naples had a confirmed 60 ships. I don’t believe it to be accurate without a screen shot. Here my communication. Cheers
Have you driven a Z32 recently? The reason I ask is that I drove a few cars I lusted after in my youth and they were pretty meh. What do they say about meeting your heroes.
I did, and I was disappointed too, I figured it just needed a lot of new parts. But they are 30 year old technology.
They can't as they cannot control if those car were then sold to non CARB state by Flippers. So, basically they have to be held in port storage paying storage fee until CARB approval.
Per my post: Lotus releases the cars to the dealers before CARB certification on the condition that no cars are delivered to customers until certified compliant.

In such a situation, there are no “Flippers”, since the dealers maintain possession. This was a possibility suggested by my dealer. This scenario also relieves Lotus of the burden of paying for port storage.
Per my post: Lotus releases the cars to the dealers before CARB certification on the condition that no cars are delivered to customers until certified compliant.

In such a situation, there are no “Flippers”, since the dealers maintain possession. This was a possibility suggested by my dealer. This scenario also relieves Lotus of the burden of paying for port storage.
Per a previous post I did.
No car can be released from the port if there is no CARB certification.
Without trying to offend the person that told you this they don’t know s$&t about what they are talking about.
I’m happy if you can prove me wrong or get that in writing from your dealership.
It's an interesting dilemma. Now that they can produce 40 cars a day, if they have double the orders for FE's than they originally thought they would, do they ignore that or continue building and extend the production run? Are FE's at the new prices profitable enough to continue producing them? Do they even need to make base models for the next 2 years if they have 2 years of orders for FE's?

Maybe they need to start producing base models for the U.K. and Europe, but since the U.S. market hasn't even really started yet, it's going to be interesting to see how that plays out order-wise once customer cars start to appear here in the U.S. This is all new territory for Lotus as they've never had this dilemma before, but it's certainly an interesting one. Better than what they've had in the past though, that's for certain!
Maybe for the US they just end up going by EDITION

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