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USA/Canada Delivery Thread

Don't know about the ship sailing timeframe but I was told the car would arrive in early-mid February. Based on that, I would expect a mid-late January sail date.
Interesting. So Does that mean our car will sit at Hethal or some ports in UK until mid-late January?
Interesting. So Does that mean our car will sit at Hethal or some ports in UK until mid-late January?

I'm now a little murky on the exact details. Do the 500 cars being shipped to the US include cars for CARB states? What if it's just the FE 1.0 and 2.0 cars for non-CARB states? Gator's summary email doesn't make it clear if it includes or excludes cars for CARB states.
I'm now a little murky on the exact details. Do the 500 cars being shipped to the US include cars for CARB states? What if it's just the FE 1.0 and 2.0 cars for non-CARB states? Gator's summary email doesn't make it clear if it includes or excludes cars for CARB states.
All States as CA dealer have released VIN to their customers with estimated arrival date at the dealership.
I asked Boardwalk and got:

"Not yet but I should any day... Your car is built, at port and awaiting certification. Once i have more info I will pass on ;)"
OK but that still answer the question if CARB states are getting their Emira at the same time.
Just speaking for myself, where the cars are and where they will be stored affects things such as brake seizing, battery health, and how quickly I can pickup the car once the CARB approval is obtained.
Yup. Having a car left outside for months is the one situation I'm hoping doesn't happen to anyone here. Hopefully they move to dealers quickly and get stored inside. Which, my FE 1.0 didn't even make a boat yet, so I have one less thing to stress over with CARB not being approved 😅
Just speaking for myself, where the cars are and where they will be stored affects things such as brake seizing, battery health, and how quickly I can pickup the car once the CARB approval is obtained.

And hoping that they aren't stored with Ferrari!
I'm now a little murky on the exact details. Do the 500 cars being shipped to the US include cars for CARB states? What if it's just the FE 1.0 and 2.0 cars for non-CARB states? Gator's summary email doesn't make it clear if it includes or excludes cars for CARB states.
My dealer (Lotus Bellevue and WA is a CARB state) is getting cars, unfortunately mine (FE1.0) is not included in this batch of shipment.
I am assuming some members here will create a inspection list for people to use when picking up their cars.
  • paint bubbling
  • brake rotor/pads conditions
  • battery health
  • panel gap
  • paint color mismatch
I will refuse delivery if there is any issue in my list above.
Already made. “Emira Issues” thread
I am assuming some members here will create a inspection list for people to use when picking up their cars.
  • paint bubbling
  • brake rotor/pads conditions
  • battery health
  • panel gap
  • paint color mismatch
I will refuse delivery if there is any issue in my list above.

You're going to need a longer notebook.
I am assuming some members here will create a inspection list for people to use when picking up their cars.
  • paint bubbling
  • brake rotor/pads conditions
  • battery health
  • panel gap
  • paint color mismatch
I will refuse delivery if there is any issue in my list above.
That's the thing. It's a 9 hour round trip for me, plus time at the dealer. I don't want to show up to serious issues. I am going to have to hound my dealer to check on these issues.

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